ICSA 2019 workshops provide a unique forum for researchers and practitioners to present, learn, discuss and explore the latest experiences, challenges, trends and emerging R&D results in the field of software architecture. A workshop is not a mini-conference. The goal of workshops is to provide a forum for participants to engage in intensive discussion and explore the topic from different perspectives.

Workshops can be half-day or one-day events. Potential topics for workshops are the same as, but not limited to, those of the ICSA 2019 conference.

Workshop chairs are responsible for submission and selection of papers. Submissions must follow the IEEE Computer Science proceedings format, as workshop proceedings will be published by IEEE CS Digital Library. Workshop organizers may allow for different types of contributions (e.g., short and long papers), but a workshop paper should not exceed a maximum of 8 pages in IEEE format.

Important Dates

  • Proposal submission: 21 September 2018 28 September 2018
  • Proposal notification around: 30 September 2018
  • Workshop CfP publication:  19 October 2019
  • Paper submission: 17 January 2019
  • Paper submission for IoT-ASAP: 22 January 2019
  • Paper submission for WASA and CSE/QUDOS: 24 January 2019
  • Paper notification: 07 February 2019
  • Workshop program publication, possible cancellation notice: 08 February 2019
  • Camera-Ready due: 21 February 2019 22 February 2019

Accepted Workshops

WS1 –3rd International Workshop on Engineering IoT Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms (IoT-ASAP 2019) –

Systems: Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms (IoT-ASAP 2019)

Organizers: Romina Spalazzese, Marie Platenius-Mohr, Steffen Becker and Gregor Engels

March 25, 2019

The Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by billions of heterogeneous, distributed, and (intelligent) things –both from the digital and the physical worlds– running applications and services from the Internet of Services (IoS). Things span, for instance, simple RFID tags, sensors, actuators, as well as computers, autonomous robots, and self-driving vehicles. Often, things are connected through heterogeneous platforms also providing support for, e.g., data collection and management and applications deployment. Additionally, things can offer their functionalities as (web) services facilitating them to interact with each other dynamically.

Since IoT systems are composed by a variety of things and services, a key aspect of engineering them is their architecture. While designing and managing IoT systems, services, and platforms, some examples of challenges to tackle are heterogeneity, adaptability, reusability, interoperability, uncertainty, security, and privacy while also taking into account the human in the loop bringing needs on the systems’ functionalities and qualities. Additionally, challenges lie in the artificial intelligence area and include, e.g., data analytics and machine learning. Novel software architecture principles are needed to overcome all these challenges for IoT systems.

The objective of IoT-ASAP 2019 is, once again, to bring together researchers and practitioners from several areas (e.g., Architecture, IoT, Service-Oriented Computing, Self-Adaptive Systems, Multi-Agent Systems, Data Analytics, User Interaction and Experience) to deepen and consolidate the latest R&D trends, principles, challenges of, and (interdisciplinary) approaches for engineering IoT systems. IoT-ASAP 2019 proficiently complements other ICSA events like the technical track, the industry track, and the new ideas track, as well as other (past) workshops.

Topics of Interest

Topics related to IoT Architectures, Services, Applications, and Platforms include but are not limited to:

  • Design approaches for IoT systems
  • Architectural interoperability in IoT systems
  • Quality aspects in the IoT (e.g., runtime dependability, assurances, validation, verification, privacy, security)
  • Self-adaptation and context-awareness in the IoT
  • User requirements specification and engineering for smart user-interactions in the IoT
  • Discovery, composition and analysis of (intelligent) services, applications and things
  • Engineering for emergent behavior/properties in IoT
  • (Continuous) deployment, composition, and monitoring in the IoT
  • Autonomous agents and multi-agent IoT architectures, e.g., collaboration, coordination, reasoning, collective intelligence
  • Model-driven engineering for IoT systems
  • Frameworks and middleware for the IoT
  • Cloud and Edge Computing for the IoT
  • Data analytics and machine learning for the IoT
  • State-of-practice, experience reports, industrial experiments, and case studies in the IoT
  • Simulation techniques and tools for the IoT
  • Interdisciplinary approaches for building and adapting IoT systems
  • Formal methods for IoT systems
Application areas include - but are not limited to:
  • Smart Home, Smart Living
  • Smart Cities, Smart Transportation, Smart Energy
  • Smart Health, Smart Learning
  • Industry 4.0 / Industrial IoT
  • Systems of IoT Systems

Website: https://iotasap.github.io/IoTASAP2019

WS2 – The Fifth International Workshop on Automotive System/Software Architectures (WASA) –

Organizers: Darko Durisic, Yanja Dajsuren, Miroslaw Staron, and Stefan Kugele

March 25, 2019

With the advent of software and electronics, automotive companies are enabling innovation to improve safety, security, driver experience, and driving automation. Moreover, the complexity and size of software keep growing because of future innovations, such as autonomous driving and car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communication. Consequently, increasing use of software over the years, introduced the paradigm shift by requiring automotive companies to develop their systems using architecture and model-based techniques. Although model-based techniques using e.g., MATLAB/Simulink and Stateflow are being accepted in the automotive industry as standard languages and tooling for developing automotive control software, the techniques for system and software architecture are still far from being widely accepted. This is excluding the AUTOSAR standard, which defines the language for designing and configuring automotive software architectures and identifies major architectural components of automotive systems.

The goal of this workshop is to address issues related to the appropriate automotive system/software architecture and engineering techniques, which can be accepted by the automotive industry. Therefore, to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of automotive system/software architecture and engineering, the International Workshop on Automotive Software Architectures (WASA) is being organized with the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), the premier gathering of software architecture and component-based software engineering practitioners and researchers.

Website: http://www.win.tue.nl/wasa2019

WS3 – Joint edition of the 4th Workshop Continuous Software Engineering & the 5th Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps (QUDOS 2019) –

Organizers: Danilo Ardagna,​ Giuliano Casale,​ Andre van Hoorn,​ Stephan Krusche, Philipp Leitner​, Horst Lichter, Dirk Riehle, Andreas Steffens, Damian A. Tamburri​ and Uwe Zdun

March 26, 2019

DevOps extends the agile development principles to include the full stack of software services, from design to execution, enabling and promoting collaboration of operations, quality assurance, and development engineers throughout the entire service lifecycle. Ultimately, DevOps is a process that enables faster releases of a better product to the end user. DevOps encompasses a set of values, principles, methods, practices, and tools, to accelerate software delivery to the customer by means of infrastructure as code, continuous integration and deployment, automated testing and monitoring, or new architectural styles such as microservices. In the end all common software engineering activities, organizational forms and processes have to be questioned, adapted and extended to ensure continuous and unobstructed software development, this is the aim of continuous software engineering (CSE)research. Current software engineering research mainly deals with the development aspects of DevOps and CSE, focusing on development methods, practices, and tools, leaving the quality assurance aspects of DevOps behind.

Even though development practices such as testing (at all levels) are instrumental in producing quality software, they mostly deal with the functional correctness, while quality assurance deals with a more broadly defined concept of quality, of which functional correctness is just one dimension. However, DevOps needs methods and tools that enable systematic assessment, prediction, and management of software quality in other dimensions as well, including performance, reliability, safety, survivability, or cost of ownership.

The QUDOS workshop provides a forum for experts from academia and industry to present and discuss novel quality-aware methods, practices and tools for DevOps. On the other hand, the goal of the CSE workshop is to present and discuss innovative solutions, ideas and experiences in the area of continuity along the entire software engineering lifecycle hence, Continuous Software Engineering.

For the first time, CSE and QUDOS join forces to foster cross-fertilization and bootstrap an even bigger, stronger community around the urgently emerging topics they are both addressing from different angles. Especially industry practitioners are invited to join this community and present challenges, solutions and lessons learned from real and complex projects.

Websites:https://cse2019.swc-rwth.de/ or http://2019.qudos-workshop.org/

WS4 – 3rd International Workshop on decision Making in Software ARCHitecture (MARCH) –

Organizers: Maryam Razavian, Anne Koziolek, Jan Carlson, Antony Tang and Hans van Vliet

March 26, 2019

Traditionally, software architecture is seen as the result of the software architecture design process, the solution, usually represented by a set of components and connectors. Recently, the “why” of the solution, the set of design decisions made by the software architect, is complementing or even replacing the solution-oriented definition of software architecture. Till now, most of the research around software architecture design decisions focused on capturing and reusing design decisions. Many research papers focused on tracing, representing, capturing and modelling design decisions (see for example the proceedings of successive SHARK workshops).

The focus of the present workshop, MARCH, is on the process of making design decisions. In this workshop, we seek to explore and understand the decision making process, how different factors influence the quality of software architecture decisions, and ways to assure good software architecture decision making. Decision making research is an emerging field in software engineering and software architecture. Research papers that explore software architecture decision making are relevant in this workshop. Understanding decision making processes can be based on multiple scientific disciplines such as work and organizational psychology, cognitive psychology, behavioral economics, and human computer interaction. Therefore, we encourage interdisciplinary research papers that leverage and build upon the existing knowledge in the neighboring research fields.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following software architecture decision making aspects:

  • Cognitive, behavioral, and social aspects of decision making
  • Group and collaborative decision making
  • Cultural aspects of decision making
  • Decision communication
  • Decision review, verification and confirmation
  • Methods and tools for decision making
  • Decision making over time
  • Decision making strategies
  • Knowledge needed or helpful for decision making
  • Decision making research methodology
  • Personality traits in decision making
  • Organizational aspects of decision making
  • Capturing and reuse of decision making information

Website: http://is.ieis.tue.nl/research/bpm/MARCH/

Formatting and Submission Instructions

All workshop proposals must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines. Proposals must be written in English and not exceed 4 pages in length.hey are submitted through the Easychair submission system by the proposal submission deadline.

Proposals should contain:

  1. Motivation and objectives of the workshop
    • Title and acronym of the workshop
    • Motivation and objectives of the workshop topic (not exceeding 500 words) (Note: If your workshop is accepted then this description will be used as early publicity.)
    • A more detailed discussion of the anticipated outcomes of the workshop (e.g., open research problems to pursue, validation objectives, empirical studies, why the topic needs to be explored in a workshop setting etc.)
    • Information about previous editions of the same workshop (if any)
    • Potential connection with other ICSA events (if any)
  2. Workshop format and needed services
    • What will be the format and timings for the workshop? (e.g., position talks, keynotes, breakout sessions, panel discussions, experiments, paper presentation and discussion,or a combination thereof)
    • What are the requirements in terms of rooms, equipment, and support staff? (e.g., do you need special room layout or assistance from student volunteers?)
  3. Target audience
    • What backgrounds should the workshop attendees have?
    • What is the range (min, max) for number of attendees for the workshop?
    • What mix of industry and research participants is being sought?
    • Please outline a strong and proactive publicity plan, including information about the expected number and type of contributions and the initial acceptance rate.
    • Who are the potential Keynote speakers? In particular can you attract keynote speakers from from industry?
  4. Workshop contributions and evaluation
    • What types of contribution are being solicited for the workshop? (e.g., full papers, position papers, posters, demos, experiments, or other interactive sessions)
    • What type of evaluation process will be used?
  5. Workshop duration and timetable
    • Indicate if you plan for a half-day or a full-day workshop and provide a timetable for the structure of the event
  6. Organizers and program committee
    • Names and bios of organizers
    • List of the potential program committee members
  7. Draft call for papers for the workshop (a one page call for papers that you intend to send out if your workshop is accepted)

Evaluation Criteria

Workshop proposals will be reviewed in a separate evaluation process from research papers. Acceptance will be based on:

  • Evaluation of the workshop’s potential to advance the state of research and/or practice or bridging disciplines, between research and practice;
  • Timeliness and expected interest in the topic;
  • Relevance to the conference topics (See the topics of interest in the ICSA 2019 conference site);
  • The potential for attracting an appropriate number of participants;
  • Organizer’s ability to lead a successful workshop and attract contributors;
  • Balance and synergy with other ICSA events

A workshops may be canceled or merged with others after the early registration deadline if too few participants have registered to make the event viable.


For more information, please contact the workshops chairs through the Easychair address icsa2019ws@easychair.org:

  • Ipek Ozkaya , SEI, USA
  • Eoin Woods , Endava, UK